Health Station (Two Discussions – Save your Shoulders and Knees & CHILD ABUSE: What you should know about it.) – Saturday, October 3,2020. at 3.00 P.M Central – Zoom

Date: Saturday, October 3,2020. at 3.00 P.M Central

1. Save your Shoulders and Knees. Latest advances in treating these conditions. By Dr. Rahul Deshmukh.

MEDICAL DEGREE Harvard Medical School, Boston,
ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY RESIDENCY Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham & Woman’s Hospital.
TRAUMA fellowship Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
SPORTS MEDICINE FELLOWSHIP New England Baptist Bone & Joint Institute, Boston, MA
ADULT RECONSTRUCTION SURGERY FELLOWSHIP New England Baptist Bone & Joint Institute, Boston,
CERTIFICATION Board-Certified, American Board of Orthopedic Surgery
ABOS Subspecialty Certification in Sports Medicine


2. CHILD ABUSE: What you should know about it. By VedVyasa Bliyar, M.D.

Dr. Biliyar is a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Nashville area over the last 30 years. He has his medical degree from Bellary, India and completed residency in Cherokee, IA and child fellowship at Vanderbilt University. He specializes in children and adolescents, and families, and has combined psychotherapy, parent training and medication management of complex hospitalized patients as well as day today emotional, behavioral and parenting problems. He is currently directing an adolescent inpatient program, and in charge of training residents as clinical associate professor in the Tristar psychiatry residency program. He is familiar to Nashville Indian community as ex-chairman of board of trustees at Sri Ganesha temple and ex-president of IAN. He has been involved in religious education and promoting mental health awareness through his stress management workshops and lectures on suicide prevention. We have asked him to help us understand child abuse and what we should know to protect our children, and know what to do when we encounter situations that may require intervention

Thank You

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a) Click on chat room at lower bar and type your questions addressed to the speaker. You can even type while the meeting is going on. Do not click on private.

b) Moderator will open for questions after speaker finishes the presentation. If have a comment/question,  please raise your hand, and one of the hosts will unmute you, and then you can start speaking.

2) Please keep your comments/questions for 2 minutes.

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Meeting ID: 828 5932 1268



If you have any problem connecting to zoom during meeting time please call Vinayak Trivedi at 615-944-7842 for assistance.


Oct 03 2020


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Oct 03 2020
  • Time: 16:00 - 17:30




Sri Ganesha Temple